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Russell Acord

As an author and part-time filmmaker, with a full-time job in the Nuclear industry, I also had the privilege to land a role in the Travel Channels series of 'Expedition Bigfoot' (Now on Discovery, Discovery Plus, MAX) with three other serious researchers. It has been an honor to work with such high-level team who truly bring a level of professionalism and experience to the field of Bigfoot research.

I was born in Baltimore MD but as a child my father provided the greatest gift to our family and moved us to the state of Montana. Personally I feel that this is the greatest state in the US, but others will challenge that with their coast lines and warm climates, but I hold my ground with my majestic scenery.

My book is written around the Bitterroot Mountains where I was raised and this allows for a closer description and personal touch and texture to the landscape. I don’t have a great Bigfoot experience to share, only that I look forward to researching and following up on leads.

After grade school in Corvallis Montana and high school in Arlee Montana I traveled throughout the states trying to find my own direction but kept coming back to the familiar scenery of Montana as it always felt like home. For many years I have had this idea in my mind of what I thought the culture of how Bigfoot would live, and how they would keep so well hidden over the many years. I listened carefully to the plentiful tales that were told about the legendary Bigfoot and began to pick out the consistencies in the many stories and decided that this would be the foundation of my book.

As an adult I answered the ‘call of patriotism’ and enlisted in the Army and embarked on the greatest highs and toughest lows of my life. I saw many different countries and cultures as a soldier and rode the evolving pendulum of the military life. Never have I been more proud of the men and women around me as I was serving my military career. I wanted my twenty five years in; but the ‘rough duties’ of a soldier caught up with me and I was medically (honorably) discharged from the US Army. The most difficult day of my life was driving away from post knowing that I was now a retired veteran and leaving my ‘active duty’ life behind. The military did however provide a four year college education for me which in itself brought new challenges. I minored in civil engineering and majored in Safety and Health Management and honored the military by graduating ‘Magna Cum Laude’. I set out into the Nuclear Safety field and kept typing away at the novel that had been brewing on my mind all these years.

With a little midnight candle effort I finally completed the first of my trilogy in March of 2012. I became trapped in the world of  ‘career man’ responsibilities and found little time to write but never completely quit. Now that the second book, ‘Bigfoot and the Tripwire’ is completed (January 2016), my third book is already coming together.

My life is simple; work hard, give it your all, let your mind accept that there are possibilities on this planet, secrets that have not yet been revealed. I believe that there are discoveries that have yet to present themselves to us… maybe in our lifetime we will be amazed with tangible evidence of Bigfoot, or we will have to keep believing in the possibility and continue the search.


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